September 2, 2014 – 11:45 pm
Carlos Cueto created Textter after watching his two teenaged daughters texting. They text constantly, he said, and so are constantly frustrated by having to wait…
September 2, 2014 – 11:12 pm
Chris Dell is a sports journalist-turned-sports entrepreneur with his social sports app called Go Baller. We talked to him about his product, how he came…
August 24, 2014 – 11:35 pm
Carlos Villaseñor is a man with a vision. And when it comes to BioVideo — the company he founded in Monterrey, Mexico and then subsequently…
Finding a local place that provides specific services can be a chore. You can try browsing the classified ads of a newspaper, or search Craigslist.…
By Elaine Rita Mendus
Posted in Business, V. Recommended
Also tagged business, geo locate, hispanics, latinos, location, nowistar, services, sharing economy, sharing startup, small business, startups
What if you could get video, tweets, photos and news stories about a breaking event all in one place? Eric Ortiz, a Los Angeles native…
By Sara Inés Calderón
Posted in Tech, V. Recommended
Also tagged breaking news, entrepreneurs, eric ortiz, Evrybit, hispanics, journalism, journalist, latinos, los angeles, mobile app, news, reporter, storify
March 10, 2014 – 11:43 am
At South by Southwest this year we ran into Ulysses Alvarado, founder of Tu Visión Canal, a video platform for Latinos. He described TVC as…
The U.S. Census Bureau released data about smartphone and Internet usage.
The agency created an infographic to illustrate the most pertinent findings, you can see…
February 12, 2014 – 11:38 pm
Emerging nations in Latin America rely on cell phones for a variety of purposes beyond text and voice calls, especially photos and videos, and social…
January 28, 2014 – 12:42 am
A study put together by the Pew Internet Center examined how adult cell phone users are using their devices, and what activities they are used…
The Pew Internet Center released new data regarding Americans and their ownership of smartphones. The full report can be read here. The data shows us…
By Elaine Rita Mendus
Posted in Tech, V. Recommended
Also tagged android, cell phone, cellphone, consumer technology, ios, iphone, pew center, smartphone, survey, windows