Tag Archives: children
Even girls who like STEM aren’t likely to pursue it
August 8, 2012 – 4:00 pm
The Department of Commerce released a study that shows that, even if women pursue STEM fields, they are more likely to change majors and not… more
How to get Latinos into STEM
August 8, 2012 – 10:00 am
Parents can take steps at home to encourage their children to enter STEM fields.
iPad game improves math test scores
July 18, 2012 – 10:00 am
Motion Math is an iPad game that, according to a recent study, helped Latino students in Los Angeles area elementary schools improve their test scores… more
Higgs boson: the need for STEM in the US
July 10, 2012 – 8:02 am
Charles Ellison wrote a great piece for Politic365 about how the Higgs boson discovery recently highlighted the importance for greater STEM emphasis in the U.S.… more