A study in Research in Higher Education found that, “majoring in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) proves to be the most profitable for minority students, whether they actually pursue the STEM field professionally or not.” According to a story in The Huffington Post, the study followed over 1,000 Asian, Latino and black students for nine years, finding that:
Among the students surveyed, those who majored in STEM subjects earn at least 25 percent more than their peers who majored in humanities or educational fields, the study found. In addition, those who pursued jobs related to their STEM majors earned at least 50 percent more than their humanities and education counterparts.
According to a press release on the study, Latino students did especially well:
Latinos reported the highest average earnings after college – $42,180 annually – relative to the other minority groups…
Latinos majoring in STEM fields also reported the highest earnings among the groups studied: an average of $56,875 per year, higher than the reported average salaries of $39,365 for blacks and $47,530 for Asian Pacific Islanders.
The study authors noted that Latinos may have done better than their other minority peers because they are especially apt at finding jobs in the fields of their majors.
[Image Via Horia Varlan]