DIY Girls is working to bring more Latinas to STEM careers, and they need your help. The non-profit organization is currently running an IndieGoGo campaign:
DIY (“Do-It-Yourself”) Girls’ mission is to increase girls’ interest and success in technology, engineering and making through engaging educational experiences and mentor relationships.
We’re located in Los Angeles and currently serve predominantly Latino communities. We have girls on waiting lists for our programs and with your help we want to expand and serve more girls!
We want to offer a two-week summer camp focused on advanced design skills. We have over 100 middle school girls interested, advanced equipment, and a team ready to teach. The funds we raise will go towards project materials and supplies for the girls, program instructors and field trips to tech companies. Our goal is to offer two sessions of the two-week camp so that we can serve all the girls interested.
The two-week camp will have different themes each week: product design and fashion technology.
Donate here.
Watch the video:
DIYGirls SummerCamp from DIYGirls on Vimeo.