An interesting piece in Global Voices Online follows the recent Festival Clic that took place in Havana, Cuba in June. According to the piece, the festival:
was designed to discuss Internet and Society in Cuba, has got several bloggers talking about technology and the role it can play in the country’s future.
For me the key takeaway from über famous Cubana blogger Yoani Sanchez was this:
With material simplicity, the CLICK Festival managed to exceed our expectations. The frank and open debate, uncensored, the great participation by the audience, and the success in pulling off a technological and futuristic event, were some of the major achievements. More than 200 people passed through the doors during the three days of the meeting, and on Thursday, in the afternoon, 102 of us, interested in social networks and Web 2.0, gathered.
We could not, however, achieve as diverse as representation of Internauts as we desired. And not because we imposed an ideological or group filter, but because many of those invited preferred not to come. Fear of exchanging opinions, fear of the embrace, continues to dominate the Island — including the virtual scene.
Read the rest of the piece here.
[Image By exfordy]