Latinos between the ages of 18 and 34 tend to be more entrepreneurial than their white or African American counterparts, according to a recent report from the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, which supports entrepreneurship. According to the survey young people in the U.S. today are interested in pursuing their own ventures, but:
Young Latinos and African Americans (64 percent and 63 percent, respectively) are even more motivated to start their own businesses.
The report also shed some light on why this might be.
- 16% of Latinos and 22% of young African Americans are unemployed.
- Only 5% of young African Americans and 6% of young Latinos own their own businesses.
- Women were less likely to want to own their own businesses.
- Getting a line of credit is seen as an obstacle by this group.
- Access to education and training is also seen as a barrier.
- Student loan forgiveness, consequently, is supported by the majority of group.
Check out the infographic below, H/T Nuevo Labs. Download the complete report here.
[Image Via Kauffman Foundation]
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